
Highest Quality

Remarkably Good or Excellent in Quality

As the most trusted name in plywood industry today, we understand that a consumer expects a lot from us and not just to our esteemed clientele, we are also answerable to ourselves for the quality and performance of our own products and we make sure that quality remains the benchmark at every step. In the very first stage finest wood is selected on the basis of flawless testing procedure. Whatever quality of wood we choose, we meticulously test its quality and strength. Selected wood is seasoned at our ultra ’Turbo Rotation Dryer System’s that ensure the level of moisture content to its optimum level conforming to the BIS standards with minimum temperature variations. Selected wood is transformed into core. 100% core of wood is used instead of short core to give maximum strength and durability to the plywood which forms another unique advantage in our products. After this, a series of special tests are conducted to ensure that we live up to our yardsticks of impeccable quality.

During the assembly of a plywood, resin coated core veneers are placed along with dry wood panels. The assembled core and panels are then placed in hydraulic hot press at defined temperature and pressure. when pressure is applied then resin should penetrate the core and panel vertically for stronger bonding. In a normal plywood, which is bonded with faulty resin, the movement of resin occurs in horizontally not vertically which result the poor bonding of core and panel. Plywood made with this process have poor strength and minimum life.

Quality Policy

Quality Policy of the Crown Industries is to manufacture products as per national and / or international standards and make them available as per customer requirement. Crown Industries endeavours to upgrade the quality of its products and related services on a continual basis through regular. A well-defined Quality Management System has been implemented. This system is continually reviewed to enhance its effectiveness and updated to meet the changing needs.

Quality Objectives

Suitable equipment and machinery for process control at all stages. Provision of adequate resources including raw material and personnel to ensure consistent product quality. Well-defined process and product characteristics, to enable monitoring, analysis and continual improvement. Communication of requirements of products including customer requirements, statutory / regulatory requirements, aspects of Quality Management System including policy and objectives among all employees.